Vehicle for Life..
Built with Safety and Usability. New and Upgradation services for Ambulances, Mobile Medical Unit , Mobile Blood Bank and many more.

“Existing ambulances are more like transport vehicles and any vehicle suitable to lay a patient is called an ambulance without consideration to the overall ambulance design.” – Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India, Working Group on Emergency Care.
We Design ALS AMBULANCE (as per National Ambulance Code,AIS, Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR).

“It is, therefore, all the more necessary in an ambulance to take care of occupant safety, patient care ergonomics, medical equipment selection & placement, vehicle engineering & integration, etc. .” – Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India, Working Group on Emergency Care.
We Design Basic Life Support AMBULANCE with safety and patient centric design and (as per National Ambulance Code,AIS, Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR).

Mobile Eye Check Up Van
Reaching the Unreached. There is an unmet need of adequate eye care facilities in rural India, through Mobile Van the gap can be brdiged and adequate eye care avdn be made more accessible and affordable.
Van is equipped with optical instruments for vision screening and refraction testing as well as lens-edging equipment to fit, mount and dispense prescription eyeglasses.

Blood Collection Van
The World Health Organization recommends that donation by 1 percent of a country’s population would suffice for its blood needs. A 2019 report referred to a study by The Lancet that said India battled a shortfall of 41 million units.
We design quality Blood Collection Van that serves as an exceptional mobile blood collection vehicle or blood donation center. Our bloodmobiles are outfitted with everything essential for successful blood donation. We install equipment like donor beds registration desk, blood collection monitor, Tube Sealers etc…

Mobile Mammography Van
“Over the last 10 years or so, breast cancer has been rising steadily, and for the first time in 2012, breast cancer was the most common cancer in women in India, a way ahead of cervical cancer.”
Our mobile mammography units are equipped with all the necessary technology and facilities for thorough breast cancer screenings. Our mammography clinics are outfitted with the latest in mammography technology and can include other features based on your custom specifications.

Mobile Medical Unit /telemedicine van
“Improving equitable access and coverage to health services is a fundamental principle of service delivery, but this would not be complete unless there was a strategy in place to reach the most underserved communities living in difficult to reach areas. Despite the impressive gains in coverage, reaching last-mile populations remains a persistent challenge.” – Shri J P Nadda , Ex- Minister of Health and Family Welfare – 25th June,2015
Our Mobile Medical Unit are designed to cater to various needs and settings. Our team has custom converted mobile vehicles to be used in Urban and Suburban environments, These vehicles are instrumental in any medical outreach program.
Chassis/vehicle partner